ISBN 0563370645 – PAGE 37
Serves: 8-10 people or makes 8 individual puddings.
Skill Level: Moderately Easy.
Taste Test: A good burst of fruit and spices come through and the pudding is not too heavy.
Again, use good quality dried fruit - Waitrose own brand is excellent. Don't use fusty old spices from the back of the cupboard, always buy new for your Christmas baking. I had to leave the nuts out - its all that chomping - I just don't like it. Barley wine is an ingredient mentioned in the recipe, I have never managed to find a bottle of it and so I just use more stout (Guiness). By the way, Guiness freezes well and the remainder can be used in a stew. I never bother to cover steamed puddings with greased greaseproof paper, then foil and the usual fight with the string. Let calmness prevail - buy BacoFoil Release non-stick foil and all will be well. If you are making the large pudding, put two long pieces of folded foil crossways under the pudding basin to help you take it out of the steamer safely when it has finished cooking.
Equipment Used: Mermaid small aluminium pudding basins.
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