We have both taken a keen interest in the product and we have come up with some great ideas in our endeavours to carry out this trial, especially the one where we found a 20 year old baking tin to put in the dishwasher. We both seem to have become inexplicably bonded to the Finish QuantuMatic and it's become a race to see who can get to the dishwasher first!
The Evidence: The icing basins cleaned up with excellent results, especially as they had been hanging around for hours before being cleaned. Click here to see Trial 2. When they came out of the dishwasher, all of them were clean and they glistened. All the cutlery cleaned up superbly, watermark free and shiny, in fact so much so that you can see yourself.
Evidence with Non-photographic results: The first thing you notice is just how fresh your dishwasher smells when you take your pots out, also everything glistens. Forks with Parmesan cheese glued onto prongs cleaned up perfectly. Pasta dishes used for spaghetti bolognese cleaned up perfectly. A basin used to cook porridge in the microwave had just a minuscule of porridge left on the basin.
Summary of product: Easy to use. You can forget about detergent, salt(unless you live in a hard water area) and rinse aid for 12 days. No handling of detergent. Confidence in the product. Takes up the space of one large mug on the top rack of the dishwasher. More cost effective if using a large dishwasher. Cost could be an issue.
Summary of cleaning: Everything is squeaky clean. All of the dishes have an incredible shine. Cutlery is smear free and so shiny you can see your face in them! Excels at removing anything baked on. Removes tea and coffee stains.
The Verdict: Buy and try!
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