Sunday, April 5, 2009


I purchased a super sweet ready to eat pineapple at the supermarket. Even though they are green on the outside, within they are sweet, fragrant and very juicy.

This recipe will be wonderful, especially if you want to make a prepare ahead dessert that will feed lots of people and impress your guests. The best thing is you will be able to make this dessert for about £3.00.

Carpaccio means to cut thinly, but upon inspection of the said cut pineapple, I don't think mine warrants that title. Must try harder next time.......

The rum, star anise and black peppercorn infused stock syrup is simply poured over the sliced pineapple and then left in the fridge overnight. Marcus says to drain off the liquid and serve with other dishes.......I don't think so! It was so wonderfully sticky and aromatic that I served our pineapple along with some of the syrup and a good vanilla ice cream.


ISBN 9781405320047 - Page 160

You will need: 1 ripe pineapple, 300g caster or granulated sugar, 4 star anise, 50ml dark rum, 6 black peppercorns.

1. Top and tail the pineapple, cut off the skin and remove the 'eyes'.
2. Slice the pineapple cross ways into very thin discs. Place these in a shallow rigid container, overlapping them in a single layer.
3. Put all the remaining ingredients in a pan with 400ml cold water. dissolve the sugar over a low heat, stirring once or twice, then bring to the boil.
4. Pour the syrup over the pineapple, making sure that every slice is submerged. Cool, then cover and leave to infuse in the fridge overnight.

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